CEOS Newsletter February 2020

Mar 26, 2020Blog

Dr. Mentor Talks About the Power of Mentoring

Q: What’s mentoring all about? What do you give, and what do you get?

A: Mentoring is about:

• people helping youth to succeed
• the importance of ensuring that youth are connected with positive role models
• folks who care about others and volunteer to establish a trusting relationship with young people • a deliberate relationship with modest time requirements
• a comprehensive screening and training process with successful outcomes

Q: What do mentors do with youth?

A: Mentors are caring adults—they do not have to have a background in teaching or youth development to be a good mentor. They just have to care and be good listeners, offering support and encouragement.
Mentors and youth can decide what they are going to do each time they meet. Some ideas:

• reading a book together
• flying a kite
• playing basketball in the gymnasium and discussing the latest sports scene • working on an arts and crafts project
• working on the computer
• writing a resume
• reading the want ads
• learning a musical instrument
• studying a foreign language
• discussing career options or plans for after high school